Max Vandenburg

Liesel Meminger reading a book to Max Vandenburg 
  while he is hiding under the stairs in the basement.
When Max arrived on Himmel Street I was confused as to why he was there. I knew he was a Jewish man which, in that time period, was very dangerous but I didn’t realize that Hans Hubermann was repaying a favor. Max’s father had saved Hans during world war one so now Hans would try and save his son, which put Hans’ entire family into danger. If they would have been caught hiding a Jew in their basement they would have had extremely bad consequences. For me that gave me a suspense while reading, constantly wondering if they would be caught. Although Max caused problems for the Hubermanns, including giving them the fear of getting caught and when Max became very ill, he also had benefits. One of his main benefits was the fact that he gave Liesel someone to relate to and hang out with. Him and Liesel related on a lot of levels which I enjoyed because Liesel hadn’t been able to relate to many people on Himmel Street. One of my favorite parts of the book was when Max and Liesel reunited in Herr Steiner’s’ shop because it showed how excited they were to see each other again. Having Max in the book gave me more joy reading it because it gave me suspense and showed a new friendship.
