The Narrator

              The last quote from death. 
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak is narrated by a unusual character—Death. When Death introduced himself I automatically knew that this story would be dark and would be filled with many deaths and loses. When Death originally introduced himself I was confused on why he was chosen to be the narrator; it is not everyday that you see Death as a narrator, but now it makes sense as to why he was. I think that having Death as the narrator was a good choice by Mr. Zusak because this book was from an era, world war two, where a lot of deaths and tragedy were taking place. The last words from the narrator and the last words of the book, “I am haunted by humans,” stuck with me. To me, that quote means that Death is haunted by how much the human race is capable of and how much damage they can do. This was around the time of the Holocaust and that is when a lot of people, in particular the German Nazi Party, were doing cruel things to other humans. Even though Death is normally the one sneaking up and haunting humans, he is haunted by them as well.  
